My Real Estate Blog Posts

Real Estate Stats 2019, year to date (date at September 30)

Posted on Oct 06, 2019

Average single family home sold prices are up 59% compared to last year! ($638,800 average 2019 selling price compared to $400,800 in 2018) But what does that mean, is my home really worth 59% more? It is unlikely, what it means is that generally higher priced homes have been selling and lower priced recreational condos have been taking longer to s...

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Scams & Prepaid Vacations

When 'Real Estate' is not an Investment

Posted on Feb 09, 2019

Unfortunately there are lots of 'opportunities' that are passed off as real estate investments; some are purely recreational and a form of prepaid vacation- well others are full out scams and should be completely avoided. 


Generally these take the forms of small investment amounts, between $10,000 to $100,000 and sometimes they are eligible RRS...

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2018 Real Estate Stats; Compared

Posted on Jan 09, 2019

Well, ready or not we are into a New Year. Although every year we often have dreams and hopes of having an even more fulfilling life, and shedding a few pounds- this time of year also gives us time to take stock and look back on the year that just finished; and if you are a Real Estate nerd like me, compare that year to other years to see what tren...

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The Pros & Cons of Buying a Foreclosure

Posted on Dec 28, 2018

We often hear about the bargains and 'get rich' possibilities of buying Foreclosures. Of course, like everything in life, it is not that simple or easy. There can be some great buys, but there can also be a lot of risks and cases where as a buyer you should run away as fast as you can. Each situation will be different, but if you understand the pro...

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What is 'Valley Time'?

Posted on Dec 16, 2018

The term 'Valley Time' is sometimes used in frustration by people to describe the lack of urgency of trades people and other services in and around Invermere and the Columbia Valley. Although there can be situations where relatively simple renovating tasks do take longer than they likely should, I think there is more to, and perhaps a more positive...

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Why I became a REALTOR® (and why it matters to you)

Posted on Dec 08, 2018

A little over one year ago today I successfully passed the licensing exam to become a REALTOR® in British Columbia (luckily on the first attempt). In order to explain why I wanted to become a REALTOR®,  I first have to bore you with some history and details about me- but don't worry, I plan to explain why this is relevant and should matter to you. 


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